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3 Reasons People Get Eyelid Surgery

While eyelid surgery is not the most buzzed about the procedure, it serves benefits for those who elect to have this procedure done. Blepharoplasties can be done for both functional and cosmetic reasons, often leaving patients with a more youthful, wide-eyed look. Many people find that their results make a big impact on their looks and their vision in general.

Aged & Tired Appearance

As we age, the upper eyelid can begin to lose elasticity and droop. This drooping appearance gives the look of a more tired, aged eye. Many patients find that the results of eyelid surgery provide a big improvement, while still keeping a natural look. The results are a well-rested look; patients looking healthier and younger.

Impeded Vision

Aged and tired eyes can begin to obstruct a patient’s peripheral vision with further progression. By trimming and lifting the skin, you can improve your field of vision by eliminating the obstacle. Even though this is typically done to improve one’s vision, the results can also be enjoyed cosmetically.

Wider Eye Appearance

Some people are born with a narrower set eye but want a more wide-eyed appearance. Eyelid surgery near Tampa can also accomplish this by adding a crease and moving the eyelid up. This “opens up” the eye and keeps it looking wider even when you smile. This can also make eye makeup application easier and more visible.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in eyelid surgery but still have questions about what it can do for you, contact Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation. Dr. Mang is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the greater St. Petersburg and Tampa area. Dr. Mang and his staff look forward to helping you achieve your cosmetic and functional goals.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.