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Information About Body Procedures

At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang and our team of skilled aesthetic professionals offer various body contouring treatments to help Atlanta, GA patients feel more confident in their own skin. With attention to detail and a dedication to our patients, Dr. Mang performs liposuction, tummy tuck, mommy makeover, and Brazilian butt lift procedures. Additionally, Dr. Mang provides vaginoplasty and labiaplasty surgeries for female patients who are wanting to enhance their sexual wellness.

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Liposuction is a great way for men and women to shed those last few pounds after obtaining a healthy weight when diet and exercise can't.

A tummy tuck is ideal when struggling to get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat or loose skin to redefine and slim down a stretched-out stomach.

Mommy makeovers can help women who have gone through pregnancy reclaim their body and shape and tighten their stomach, breasts, and more.

The Brazilian butt lift allows men and women the chance to transfer fat from one area of their body to their butt to create a rounder, shapely look.

An arm lift is a great way to tighten and tone what is commonly known as "bat wings" on the upper arms after weight gain, loss, or aging.

Labiaplasty can reduce the size and adjust the shape of the labia to provide a more natural look while minimizing discomfort and increasing pleasure.

Vaginoplasty rejuvenates and restructures weak vaginal walls due to age, childbirth, genetics, or weight loss for a tightened and stronger vagina.

After excessive weight loss, a person may need a thigh lift to rid their body of excess skin around their thighs for a tight and toned look.

A lower body lift removes hanging skin and fat from the lower body, such as the abdomen, butt, lower back, and upper thighs, to create a trimmed look.

A fat transfer allows men and women the chance to plump up areas, like the butt, lips, or cheeks, when they've lost volume due to weight loss or age.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.