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Information About Breast Procedures

When it comes to breast size, shape, and lift, there are a variety of factors that can leave someone feeling unhappy with the current appearance of their chest. If you're feeling self-conscious about the state of your breasts, we invite you to visit Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Atlanta, GA to discuss your options regarding a variety of procedures, including breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast revision, and gynecomastia treatment. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang today.

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Breast augmentation allows women to surgically enhance the shape and size of their breasts for a curvaceous profile and aesthetically pleasing look.

Average Cost
$4,500 - $9,000
Recovery Time
2 – 8 Weeks

Breast augmentation with fat is a great way to adjust the size and shape of the breasts while improving other areas of the body of stubborn fat.

A breast lift allows women with sagging breasts to create a more youthful appearance and perkier profile while boosting their confidence.

Breast reduction can help women gain more confidence, eliminate pain, and create a balanced profile by reducing the size of their large breasts.

Breast reconstruction is used to restore one or both breasts when a mastectomy or lumpectomy, birth defect, or trauma have created an abnormal look.

Breast revision surgery is for women who are displeased with their breast augmentation or have an issue, like capsular contracture or implant rupture.

Gynecomastia treatment reduces enlarged breast tissue in men for a masculine-looking chest, helping boost confidence in places, like the pool or gym.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.