What Is Breast Revision Surgery?
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States. In most cases, it creates outstanding outcomes. Unfortunately, sometimes a patient might be unhappy with the results of her breasts and may need breast revision treatment. While few breast augmentations do end with an undesirable outcome, there are individuals who wish to have a larger or smaller implant while others may have a visible irregularity and prefer to have the breast implant corrected or removed altogether. It is important to note that not all breast revisions are due to practitioner error. In addition, some women need revision surgery for a unique condition. Plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang performs breast revision surgery for Atlanta, GA women at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery so they can have their aesthetic goals met.
What Are The Benefits Of Breast Revision Surgery?
Breast revision surgery in Atlanta, GA at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery offers both functional and aesthetic benefits to refresh and reimagine the look of your breasts, including:
- Allows you to decrease or increase implant size
- Upgrades your implants to a newer or different type
- Removes unwanted implants to restore a more natural look
- Replaces implants that have ruptured or become damaged
- Repositions implants that have moved or shifted
- Addresses multiple implant problems and issues
- Corrects problems from a previous implant surgery
- Enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the breasts
- Removes scar tissue
- Improves comfort
Can I Get Breast Revision?
Should you have any problems after your breast augmentation surgery, either medical or aesthetic, please make a consultation with Dr. Mang to talk about your wants and needs and to determine your unique plan for breast revision surgery. Whether it's scarring, breast sag, rippling, unbalanced breasts, or just not the look you were hoping for, revision surgery can help adjust your results for a more desirable outcome. This procedure can also help if you want to change size, implant styles, or address another aspect of your breasts.
Common Reasons for Revision
If you are having breast revision surgery, it is likely to either take out an implant that is defective or not functioning or you no longer want. Breast revision surgery may also be performed to switch implant size or go from an implant to a fat transfer (or vice versa). There are a number of common reasons in which a revision treatment is desired or required.
This condition occurs when the implant sizes look uneven. This may be due to an incorrect size implant, sagging or drooping on one side, or another condition that would cause asymmetry.
Bottoming Out
This is a condition that can happen when one or both breasts drop too low or "bottom out." Sometimes, this is a positioning and placement error from the original operation. When this occurs, a different placement technique, tissue grafting, or changing the type of implant may be recommended to help you reach your desired results.
Breast Size
Sometimes a secondary breast surgery is as simple as wanting a larger or smaller sized breast implant. During the first surgery, you may have gone too big or too small, and after time, you've realized you'd like a different size to reach your desired look.
Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is the term used for scar tissue hardening, occurring when the soft tissue around your implant becomes hard and thickens. While breast implants typically do result in some internal scar tissue, there are some cases where that scarring could interfere with implant placement, which can change the implant function and create an undesirable outcome.
Implant Rippling
Implant rippling occurs when you see visible wrinkles and ripples under the skin that typically form just along the edging of the implant. Rippling is more common in women who are of low body weight and can be fixed by simply switching to a silicone implant.
Implant Rupture
Even though this is rare, breast implant rupture can possibly occur. When a saline implant type ruptures, deflation will take place rather quickly. Therefore, visible flattening will be noticeable. On the other hand, if a silicone implant ruptures, it is only detected via an MRI. In either case, if a rupture occurs, additional surgery will be needed.
This condition happens when implants are placed too close together and is most often because the implant used was either the incorrect shape, size, or width.
What Can I Expect After Breast Revision?
After your surgery, you'll have a brief observation period, then be sent home to complete your recovery there. Your overall recovery time will vary based upon what is involved in your surgery. Revision surgery that requires complex revision techniques will have a longer recovery, possibly taking up to several months. You should begin to see your surgical results when the bruising and swelling begin to disappear. Dr. Mang or someone on his team will go over the recovery process and what you can expect, and might even have some suggestions to help you heal faster. It's important to schedule and attend follow-up appointments as directed so Dr. Mang can monitor your recovery for optimal results.
Breast revision FAQS
How much does breast revision surgery cost?
Your cost for breast revision surgery will vary greatly based on the complexity of your procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Mang will listen to your needs and goals before performing a physical exam to assess your implants. After this, he will talk about your choices before creating your treatment plan. The cost of breast revision surgery will be based on the complexity of the procedure, as well as your new implants. It's better to focus on getting great results by selecting a skilled Doctor, like Dr. Mang, rather than the cheapest surgeon. As a way to help make your surgery easy to afford, Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery accepts several payments and we can give you information on low-interest financing.
What if Dr. Mang wasn't my original surgeon?
Dr. Mang can perform your revision surgery even if he wasn't the surgeon who did your original breast augmentation. Revision surgery can be more difficult than the original augmentation especially if you want dramatic changes or have problems, so it is best to find a doctor like Dr. Mang who has experience and advanced training in breast surgery. Dr. Mang also invites his patients to come back to Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery for breast revision surgery after their augmentation surgery if they notice an issue or want a change.
What about loose skin?
If you are having your implants exchanged or removed, you may need to have excess skin removed during your surgery. After hearing your goals and assessing your current implants, Dr. Mang can discuss adding a breast lift to remove loose skin. If you lose a significant amount of weight, become pregnant, or breastfeed after augmentation surgery, a revision with a lift can help you get better results.

Change Your Mind
Revision surgery can be simple if you've changed your mind. You may have had your implants a while and have decided you no longer want them or want a different look. It could also be that you may have gotten implants and wish for either smaller or larger implants. Reach out to our team at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Duluth, GA to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mang.