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A Male's Guide To Facial Rejuvenation

Although women make up a majority of the plastic surgery statistics, males undergoing plastic surgeries or treatments is on a steady incline. After all, men can be self-conscious about signs of aging as well and want to reverse those effects. With today’s growing options in plastic surgery, we are seeing men in the office more and more often who are seeking non-or minimally invasive techniques to revive their face. Let’s go over a few options that you have for these types of treatments in your particular areas of concern:


Dysport is an alternative to Botox that can minimize the appearance of a furrowed brow or wrinkles in your forehead. This injectable uses botulinum toxin to temporarily relax the muscles and nerves to soften your expression lines. Results from this treatment can be seen as quickly as two days’ post-injection and can last up to four months.

Botox is an injectable that can areas of the upper face, including the forehead, glabellar lines, and crow’s feet. It works by relaxing the muscles and nerves that cause facial contractions to smooth out creases and wrinkles. Botox lasts around six months and has little downtime and side effects based on your area of concern.

Wrinkles around the mouth, Acne Scars, or Cheek and Lip Volume Loss

Juvederm Ultra Plus is a dermal filler that can target deep wrinkles such as nasolabial folds, acne scars, cheeks that have lost volume, or thin lips. It is a thicker solution, which allows it to treat deep wrinkles by filling the lines and reshaping your facial contours for a smooth overall appearance. This solution uses natural substances found in your skin to expand and fill wrinkles. It rejuvenations your body’s own collagen production for those seeking natural results. Restylane is a similar solution that you may want to consider.

Although this was a quick rundown of your facial rejuvenation options, we hope this helps you have a better idea of that options are on the market today. For further details on these treatments or to address your aging facial concerns, schedule a consultation with Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery at our Florida office today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.