Can I Get A Mommy Makeover After Extreme Weight Loss?
Despite its name, the mommy makeover can be a life-changing procedure for virtually any woman, whether or not she has had children. Another exciting aspect of mommy makeover surgery is that each case is customized to match the patient’s unique needs and goals. For many women, the mommy makeover actually serves as the final step in their extreme weight loss transformation. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon and body contouring expert Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang helps Atlanta, GA women achieve the slimmer, sexier, more feminine shape they desire with personalized mommy makeover surgery. Keep reading to discover the benefits of a mommy makeover after weight loss, and find out if you may qualify for this life-changing procedure.
How do you get rid of extra skin after weight loss?
Loose, hanging skin is one of the most common and frustrating consequences of extreme weight loss, leaving many men and women feeling defeated despite having actually reached their goal weight. Extra skin after weight loss can prevent a person from wearing certain styles of clothing, make it difficult or uncomfortable to exercise, and take a major toll on their overall happiness and well-being. While nonsurgical treatments and procedures may help with mildly loose skin, patients with pronounced skin laxity and hanging skin folds will need skin removal surgery to achieve a firmer and more natural-looking physique. In many cases, women who have lost a great deal of weight can benefit from mommy makeover surgery, which addresses loose skin, sagging breasts, stubborn fat, and many of the other common side effects of weight loss.
How can a mommy makeover help after losing weight?
Losing a significant amount of weight has a number of undeniable health benefits, but it can also result in many unwanted physical side effects. Fortunately, mommy makeover surgery can address virtually all of these issues and help women finally complete their weight loss transformation. Common concerns that can be dramatically improved or reversed with a post-weight loss mommy makeover include:
- Droopy or deflated breasts
- Bat wings
- Hanging skin on the abdomen
- Saggy butt
- Loose thigh skin
- Stubborn pockets of fat
- Loose or hanging vagina/labia
What’s included in a mommy makeover after extreme weight loss?
Because every patient’s body and goals are unique, Dr. Mang takes great care to tailor each mommy makeover surgery to the woman as an individual. Some of the most common treatments and procedures included in a mommy makeover for weight loss patients are:
- Tummy tuck
- Breast lift
- Breast augmentation
- Liposuction
- Arm lift
- Thigh lift
- Lower body lift
- Vaginoplasty
How soon after weight loss can I get a mommy makeover?
There’s no question that extreme weight loss is a major undertaking both physically and emotionally. Patients considering body contouring surgery after weight loss should be sure their body and mind have had enough time to adjust, heal, and fully recover after their weight loss journey, particularly if they underwent weight loss surgery. Additionally, patients should be committed to maintaining their new weight through regular diet and exercise before having cosmetic surgery. On average, patients should have maintained a healthy and stable weight for at least 6 –12 months before undergoing a mommy makeover. With a healthy lifestyle, consistent diet and exercise routine, and stable weight, patients can enjoy their natural new look for years to come.
Complete the journey to a whole new you with mommy makeover after weight loss in Atlanta, GA
If hanging skin after weight loss makes you feel like all of your hard work was pointless, we can help. To learn more about the remarkable transformations that are possible with mommy makeover surgery after losing weight, call Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Atlanta, GA to schedule your private consultation with award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang today.