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Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation-Is It Right For Me?

Fat grafting has been a hot topic of conversation in the plastic surgery world lately. With the right board-certified plastic surgeon, fat grafting can provide you the best results for a natural-looking breast enhancement. As an added bonus, fat grafting can take unwanted fat from your abdomen, buttocks, or thighs to smooth and shrink other areas in addition to enlarging your breasts. So, a smaller silhouette and larger breasts— but what’s the catch?

You must have some fat to donate

The catch is that you have to have enough fat for the procedure to actually be performed. For those that are thinner, fat can be taken from plumper areas of the body if need be to have enough usable fat for the procedure. Once the fat is removed with liposuction, it must be filtered before it can be replaced in the breast, so by usable, we mean after the filtration process.

Who is a good candidate?

If you are looking for a subtle, natural enhancement to your breasts and are self-conscious about fat on your thighs, abdomen, or buttocks, you may be a great candidate! We also commonly see patients with asymmetrical breasts for the fat grafting procedure as opposed to adding an implant. This allows for the breasts to be closer in size for a natural appearance.

If you are seeking a natural-looking volume increase to your breasts, or a breast enhancement near Tampa, FL, fat grafting is the best solution on the market today. With no need for procedural upkeep down the road, it is the most cost-effective option as well. If you are located in the Tampa, or Atlanta, contact our Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery office to schedule your consultation and see if fat grafting breast augmentation is right for you!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.