How Can I Keep Fat From Returning After Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Achieving stunning results is certainly one of the primary goals for patients considering tummy tuck surgery, though it’s not the only one. Maintaining those results is arguably even more important. Fortunately, the results of a tummy tuck can last for many years – if not decades – when patients follow their surgeon’s aftercare guidelines closely and adhere to a healthy overall lifestyle. To learn more about how you can extend the life of your tummy tuck and avoid the return of fat and extra skin, use the helpful tips from top Atlanta, GA board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang and the knowledgeable team at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery.
How does a tummy tuck work?
Formally known as abdominoplasty surgery, the tummy tuck is among the most popular cosmetic body contouring procedures performed across the country each year. In addition to helping reverse the unwanted side effects of pregnancy and aging, the tummy tuck is often used to restore a more natural contour after extreme weight loss. Some of the most common concerns and complaints that can be improved or corrected with tummy tuck surgery include:
- Loose skin after weight loss or pregnancy
- Hanging skin on the abdomen
- Wrinkled skin on belly
- Sagging skin
- Bulging fat around waist
- Separated ab muscles (diastasis recti)
- Lower belly pooch
- Abdominal stretch marks
During your Atlanta tummy tuck, which is performed using general anesthesia and may take 2 – 3 hours to complete, Dr. Mang will begin by creating a horizontal incision on your lower abdomen. The length of this tummy tuck incision will vary from patient to patient, primarily based on how much skin needs to be removed. For men and women with diastasis recti, or a separation of the abdominal muscles, Dr. Mang will reposition and reinforce the fascia. Additionally, liposuction may be used to remove stubborn pockets of fat for an even smoother and more natural-looking final outcome. Finally, excess skin will be trimmed away, the remaining skin will be stretched over the midsection and secured with sutures for a smoother, slim, taut new shape.
How long does a tummy tuck last?
Generally speaking, the fundamental results of a tummy tuck can last indefinitely. However, patients should understand that subtle changes to their figure, including those associated with aging, are inevitable over time. Even so, with a healthy diet and lifestyle, a skilled surgeon, and a proper tummy tuck aftercare regimen, patients can preserve their stunning new figure for many, many years.
Without a doubt, one of the most important aspects of maintaining your tummy tuck results is to avoid weight gain, which can cause your remaining fat cells to swell and enlarge your waistline once again. To ensure the longest-lasting tummy tuck results possible, use these tips:
- Maintain a stable weight
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet
- Exercise regularly
- Do not smoke
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Wait until you are done having children to undergo tummy tuck surgery
Should patients experience weight fluctuation or another life event that results in unwanted changes to their tummy tuck results, a revision procedure may help to restore their ideal shape.
Reinvent yourself with life-changing abdominoplasty in Atlanta, GA
Fewer procedures can make as dramatic and lasting of an impact on your physique as the tummy tuck. To learn more about the striking transformations that may be possible for you with a tummy tuck in Atlanta, GA, call Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery to schedule your private consultation with award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang today.