How Long Can Fat Last in the Face After Facial Fat Grafting?
When it comes to cosmetic surgery FAQ, one inquiry topping virtually every list is how long the results of a particular procedure will last. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Atlanta, GA, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang understands the importance of achieving long-lasting results after investing your time, money, and more into plastic surgery. With facial fat grafting, patients can enjoy stunning, natural-looking enhancements that can last for years to come. Keep reading to discover even more benefits of facial rejuvenation with fat grafting, and find out whether this exciting treatment may be the long-term anti-aging solution you’ve been searching for.
What is facial fat grafting?
Also known as a fat transfer to the face, facial fat grafting is a unique alternative to dermal fillers, synthetic implants, and other procedures that enhance facial features using a patient’s own fat. Some of the most common concerns that can be improved or even reversed with facial fat transfer include:
- Deep lines
- Static wrinkles
- Facial folds
- Lip lines
- Hollow cheeks
- Sunken circles under the eyes
In addition to the face, fat grafting can be performed to add volume to other areas of the body, such as the breasts, buttocks, and hands.
How does a fat transfer to the face work?
In many cases, facial fat transfer can be performed with local anesthesia and IV sedation only. For patients who are having multiple areas treated, a larger amount of fat being removed, or simply prefer it, general anesthesia may be used during a fat transfer procedure. To begin, Dr. Mang will use liposuction to remove unwanted fat from another area of the body. The fat is then separated and purified in our on-site centrifuge before being prepared for transfer. With a combination of artistry, precision, and experience, Dr. Mang then carefully injects the harvested fat cells into the desired areas of the face. By using thin layers and manual massage, Dr. Mang creates a strikingly natural and youthful new look.
Is fat transfer to the face permanent?
Even when expertly performed by an experienced provider, cosmetic surgery cannot completely halt the natural aging process. However, with a skilled surgeon and proper aftercare, the results of facial fat grafting can certainly last for years to come. Without a doubt, the most important thing a patient can do to maintain his or her fat grafting results over time is to avoid weight fluctuation.
Do fillers or fat transfer last longer?
Many patients have questions about whether dermal fillers vs. fat grafting will provide longer-lasting results. On average, injectable dermal fillers – like JUVÉDERM® – last for about 12 –18 months. Fat cells that are transferred to the face and body can last indefinitely, though aging, weight fluctuation, and other facts can impact their size. During your initial consultation for facial rejuvenation in Atlanta, Dr. Mang will discuss your goals, explain your options at length, and help determine whether injectables, fat transfer, or another treatment may be right for you.
Love your look for years to come with facial fat grafting in Atlanta, GA
If you are searching for a long-lasting, convenient, and natural alternative to dermal fillers or implants, you may be a candidate for a facial fat transfer. Call Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery to schedule your one-on-one consultation in Atlanta, GA with esteemed board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang, and take the first step toward restoring your youthful beauty today!