How Soon Can Swelling Resolve After Fat Transfer to Face?
A fat transfer (fat grafting) procedure can restore fullness to areas of the face that have lost volume over time. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang provides excellent results through cutting-edge tools and technologies. But before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it's important to be aware of the recovery details.
After a fat transfer to the face, some swelling is normal and can last for 1 – 2 weeks. Of course, our professionals at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery are committed to helping you transition through the process as smoothly as possible. Call now to book an appointment and discuss your expected results in Atlanta, GA — we will review any post-treatment instructions during a consultation.
What is involved in a fat transfer?
A fat transfer is a two-part procedure. The first step is harvesting excess fat from one area, such as the abdomen or flanks, through liposuction. This fat is then purified and processed before being injected into areas of the face that lack volume. Dr. Mang can fill fine lines and deep wrinkles, increase fullness in the cheeks and lips, contour the jawline, and reduce the appearance of pitted areas and scars.
After surgery, the liposuction incisions are sutured closed and dressed with bandages. Patients then return home with a family member or close friend to start the recovery process.
What is fat transfer recovery like?
Swelling and inflammation are common after facial fat grafting. Side effects can last anywhere from 1 – 2 weeks but may persist for longer if more than one area is treated. Swelling should not be severe and will gradually dissipate as your healing progresses.
You might see some improvements almost immediately after a fat transfer with Dr. Mang, but it may take several weeks before you can see your final outcomes. The good news is results tend to last for years if you continue to maintain a stable and consistent weight.
How to manage swelling after facial fat grafting
Our team at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery will provide detailed post-operative instructions to help manage swelling and discomfort after a fat transfer to the face in Atlanta, GA. Make sure to follow all guidelines to avoid complications and ensure a safe and successful recovery. Here are a few tips to get started:
- Keep your head elevated when lying down: This reduces blood flow to the face and minimizes swelling.
- Apply cold compresses around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead: Use a clean cloth on the treatment site for about 10 – 20 minutes at a time.
- Avoid activities that increase blood flow: Strenuous exercise, hot showers or baths, and drastic changes in temperature should be avoided during fat transfer recovery.
- Use prescribed medications as directed: Painkillers and anti-inflammatories can be used for any discomfort.
Keep in mind that Dr. Mang will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your recovery and ensure you are progressing as expected. Patients should attend these appointments or call if they experience any problems.
Learn about fat transfer recovery
There's no need to feel overwhelmed or uncertain when it comes to a fat transfer to the face. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang and our team of professionals at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery are here to help every step of the way. Call our office to book a consultation and learn more about recovery in Atlanta, GA. We look forward to helping you achieve beautiful, natural-looking results through cutting-edge treatments.