Will A Facial Fat Transfer Improve Fine Lines and Wrinkles?
When you age, it’s common to lose volume throughout your face. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, we offer facial fat grafting, which helps our patients improve how their faces look and restore volume. Facial fat grafting in Atlanta, GA offers natural, long-lasting results to patients wanting a fat transfer for face wrinkles and to fix any lost volume. It can be performed on different parts of the face, including the chin, cheeks, and lips. When you remove extra fat from your body, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang can reinject it into your face where you want it most during fat grafting treatment.
Am I a candidate for facial fat grafting?
Facial fat grafting is great for patients who want to add natural-looking volume to their faces. A facial fat transfer can help fill in wrinkles, fine lines, Crow’s feet, laugh lines, frown lines, and smile lines. This transferred fat successfully reduces the appearance of scars and pitting. To be a candidate for a facial fat transfer at Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery in Atlanta, GA, you must have enough fat to harvest to be used during this facial rejuvenation.
Where is fat transfer used on the face?
The most common places we perform a facial fat grafting, a fat transfer for wrinkles, include:
Crow’s feet
Wrinkles (laugh lines, smile lines, frown lines)
During a consultation with Dr. Mang, you can discuss your goals for this fat transfer for wrinkles procedure.
How is facial fat grafting performed?
First, we will harvest the fat before re-injecting it where you want to restore lost volume. At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, we remove only the amount of fat we need for grafting. First, we perform liposuction to remove fat from different areas of the body, including the back, flanks, abdomen, or hips. After we harvest this fat, we process it and re-insert it into different areas of your face.
Facial fat grafting FAQs
Many of our patients have questions about facial fat grafting in Atlanta, GA. During a consultation, we can answer these questions, including:
Will facial fat grafting change my face? Yes, fat grafting can change how your face looks, including your face shape. This depends on where we re-insert your fat. The goal of facial fat grafting is to restore lost volume. This will lead to a rounder face.
Does fat grafting last forever? Fat grafting is not permanent, but it can last a long time, depending on how your body responds to the fat transfer. Some patients will reabsorb the fat cells, so they will need multiple treatments.
Learn more about fat transfer to face near me
At Rejuve Aesthetic Surgery, facial fat grafting helps you add volume on different parts of your face and smooth out signs of aging. With this treatment, there is little downtime. To schedule an in-person or online consultation to learn if facial fat grafting is right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Brandon-Dzung Mang in Atlanta, GA today.